
Premium Compost 20Kg

Original price was: ر.ق25.00.Current price is: ر.ق18.00.

Fermented Premium Compost contains immediately available nutrient & slow releasing nutrient that gives plants and loams, balanced nutrients for vigorous root growth, green leaves and 80 enzymes throughout the plants.

It helps plants withstand extreme cold & heat, drought and pests.

Increases water use efficiency and can transform surges to starch in the grain-filling process. It help cycle nutrient through leaves roots & stems.

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All natural fertilizer provides a long lasting, slow-release of nutrient.

  • Condition soil for more vigorous roots growth and improved water penetration.
  • Earth friendly, 100 % organic fertilizer for quality growth.
  • Improve uniformity.
  • Increase density.
  • Fast recover from wear.
  • Reduce use of water, fertilizer & chemical.
  • Reduce maintenances.
Tests Result Obtained الاختبارات النتيجة التي تم الحصول عليها
Carbon Nitrogen Ratio (C : N Ratio) 30:1  نسبة النيتروجين الكربوني (C : N Ratio) 30:1
Moisture Content 25% محتوى الرطوبة 25%
Organic Matter by Loss On Ignition @ 550 °C 52.00% المادة العضوية دون قابلية الاشتعال @ 550 °C 52.00%
Total Nitrogen as TKN 0.98%  النيتروجين الكلي TKN 0.98%
Total Organic Carbon 30.20% الكربون العضوي الكلي 30.20%
Total Organic Nitrogen 0.92%  النيتروجين العضوي الكلي 0.92%
Sodium Chloride 1.29% كلوريد الصوديوم 1.29%
Electrical Conductivity (1:5 Water/Soil Extract) 9.2 dS/m التوصيل الكهربائي (1:5 Water/Soil Extract) 9.2 dS/m
pH Value @ 25°C 7.26 نسبة الحموضة @ 25°C 7.26
Faecal Coliforms (MPN/g) < 1.8 فايكال كوليفورم (MPN/g) < 1.8
Salmonella sp(Per 25g) Not Detected السالمونيلا sp ا (Per 25g) Not Detected
Cadmium (Cd) < 0.01 % by wt الكادميوم (Cd) < 0.01 % by wt
Calcium (Ca) 0.25 % by wt الكالسيوم (Ca) 0.25 % by wt
Chromium (Cr) < 0.01 % by wt الكروم (Cr) < 0.01 % by wt
Copper < 0.01 % by wt نحاس < 0.01 % by wt
Lead (Pb) < 0.01 % by wt رصاص (Pb) < 0.01 % by wt
Lithium (Li) < 0.01 % by wt الليثيوم (Li) < 0.01 % by wt
Magnesium (Mg) 0.05% by wt المغنيسيوم (Mg) 0.05% by wt
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 1.96 % by wt أكسيد البوتاسيوم (K2O) 1.96 % by wt
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) 0.02 % by wt ثنائي أكسيد الفوسفور (P2O5) 0.02 % by wt
Arsenic (As) < 0.01 % by wt الزرنيخ (As) < 0.01 % by wt
Selenium (Se) < 0.01 % by wt السيلينيوم (Se) < 0.01 % by wt
Sulphur (S) < 0.01 % by wt الكبريت (S) < 0.01 % by wt
Weight 20 kg


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